Travel Guide to The place of ascension in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Another important place for Christians in Jerusalem is The Chapel of the Ascension (or Dome of the Ascension). In a small circle surrounded by rocks, there are some very interesting events in a small religious building. This place on Salween Hill is also visited by many visitors. It is crowded with worshipers.
Background (Travel Guide )
In the preceding part 5, Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of all mankind from the cross, and was resurrected on the third day. For 40 days after his resurrection, he lived on earth as a disciple and disciple. I explained this a little bit in part two. At the end of those 40 days, Jesus Christ was taken up into heaven. That place is known as this place.
“And he led them out as far as to Bethany, which is outside Jerusalem; And he stretched forth his hand, and blessed him. While he was blessing them, he departed from them and was taken up into heaven. (Luke 24: 50-51)
Where there has been a lot of change (Travel Guide )
This place is located on the top of Salween Mountain and the top of the building is shaped like a tortoise. It is a small room, and the place where Christ ascended to heaven is marked in 380 AD. However, it was destroyed in 614 CE by the Persians and later rebuilt by the Crusaders. I also surrounded the side. The present structure was built as a Christian church by the Crusaders, but in 1187 Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt and Syria, transformed it into a mosque. That’s why it looks like a dome.
The right foot of Christ (Travel Guide )
Inside, we see the footprints of Christ preserved around the stone. When he returned to heaven, he stepped on the ground with his right foot, and his right foot was preserved. It was active 40 days after Easter.
There are many religious buildings to visit around Salween Mountain. I think I will write it together, but it will be fine to write separately. I thought the letter was too long, so I split it up. This place is also a memory from our trip.